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Voici notre site web: L’HEURE VIDE humanitaire est une petite ONG dédiée aux projets à court terme impliquant des réfugiés dans le monde entier. Nous avons donc lancé cette ONG et nous collaborons avec succès avec des organisations locales et internationales pour donner à ces réfugiés l’aide dont ils ont besoin. Ici, nous avons vu beaucoup de réfugiés vénézuéliens vivant dans une telle misère que nous avons décidé de rester. Sofie Sleumer and Michel MulderFoundersEn voyageant à travers l’Amérique du Sud en voiture, nous avons traversé la frontière de l’Équateur et de la Colombie à Rumichaca. As a small and nimble organization, we are not limited by bureaucracy or massive overhead.This allows us to concentrate our efforts where we excel: organizing the available resources in a hands-on, creative way to produce tangible results quickly and effectively.

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This approach ensures that we can focus on what is needed on the ground and in the now to fill the gaps in aid left by big organizational structures and complex international policy. Our approach is to assist existing humanitarian aid structures and local associations and to supplement them when their opportunities to act are limited or restraint.Our aim is not to direct or to implement.We are there to help. Please visit us at: L'HEURE VIDE humanitaire L’HEURE VIDE humanitaire is a small network-based NGO focused on short-term projects in emergency situations involving refugee issues worldwide. We started this NGO, and have been working together succesfully with local and international organizations to give them the help they need. There we saw so many Venezuelan refugees in such great misery without the help they needed, that we decided to stay. While travelling through South America by car we crossed the border of Ecuador and Colombia in Rumichaca. L'HEURE VIDE HUMANITAIRE - Venezuelan refugees

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